The Privateer by Dawn MacTavish (Dawn Thompson)
Release: December 21st, 2007
Leisure Books, Dorchester Publishing
to order:
Lady Lark Eddington's life seems over when the gates close on theMarshalsea debtor's prison. But when the roguishly handsome BasilKingston, Earl of Greyshire redeems her from the mire of debt andscandal, she has a second chance. But what cost will "King" demand ofher?
Ms. MacTavish's latest regency kept me turning pages, with anintriguing plot, sensual romance, and vibrant characters, set againsta vivid backdrop evoking all the elegance of Regency England and thewilderness of the Cornish coast. Add in a pair of sneaky villains, apolitical entanglement, a gypsy wench, a lost soul, and above all, adevilishly lovable scheming countess, and you have a recipe for afinely crafted novel. Ms. MacTavish's tale ofriches-to-rags-to-riches will please the most refined tastes andregency virgins alike.
Erin E. M. Hatton, author
Lady Lark is an inspiring character, a woman whose strength and determination keep her from folding under the duress of debtors prison and the myriad of misfortunes that follow. Lord Grayshire, though her rescuer, is not the letch she at first believes. The twists and turns of the plot will intrigue you and keep you turning the pages long past the hour of sleep.
Let Dawn MacTavish take you into another time and place, give you the gift of her story-telling ability and wonderful word usage. Having read most of her books, I have to say this one is the best so far!
Diane Davis White
Author of Moon of The Falling Leaves<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Dawn Thompson weaves a delightful tale and holds your interest from the very first page of the The Privateer. We meet the heroine, the Lady Lark, in a very strange place, debtor’s prison. The description of her surroundings and the prisoners make you feel as if you are actually there. The reason for her dire circumstances isn’t clear until she makes friends with Agnes. The two women help each other until Lark catches the eye of Basil, ‘King’, Kingston, Earl of Grayshire.
King is a man who has many secrets, but I still found him irresistible. You can’t help wondering why he is ‘redeeming’ Lark. Although you’ll want to knock some sense into her, you’ll love King’s crusty mother. This historical romance is definitely a unique change of pace and a delightful read.
Jo Webnar
Author of Twilight, and Saving Tampa