Gideon, Lord of the Dark, Prince of the Air, winged arch angel that had fallen from grace because of his l
ust, was now cursed. Cursed to be eternally aroused, the slightest touch to his wings would about make him mad with need, a need to sink himself deep within a woman. That was also part of his curse, he was allowed no women in which to relieve himself, and the lightening bearing watchers/harpies of the gods made sure of that, striking him down if he even came close. A fallen angel, alone in the world without his soul mate but constantly aroused is about to pull one over on the gods…
Rhiannon was unwillingly on her way to meet her betrothed when their ship crashed because of the angry sirens song. Shipwrecked in the ocean and not a strong swimmer, Rhiannon did all that she could think of; pray to the gods. Washing ashore, she found a small cave and entered taking the liberties of a bath only to be surprised by this beautiful winged man. He was amazingly gorgeous, even when he tried to frighten her away, it awakened cravings neither had ever known before. Rhiannon still an innocent and virgin, Gideon Lord of the Dark, frenzied with need… the watchers hadn’t seen her, so could he keep her? After that first kiss, he knew he could never let her go, but there are other powers and entities out there that must be overcome. Fate can be a cruel and evil thing.
Lord of the Dark by Dawn Thompson is an enthralling erotic historical that will awaken the need in every woman! I’m telling you this book was on FIRE! The sexual scenes were intense but tasteful, there was not a moment that went by that Rhiannon was not getting into trouble, strong willed, or falling deeper in love with Gideon.
I can not express how enamored I am with Dawn Thompson’s Lord of the Dark. I know there are more books in the series, this was the second. I have to have those other books! I know Da
I can not express how enamored I am with Dawn Thompson’s Lord of the Dark. I know there are more books in the series, this was the second. I have to have those other books! I know Da
wn is not her with us, but her words will continue to live on. I really loved this book! 5 Hearts - Crystal Book Reviews
Purchase any of Dawn Thompson’s books on Amazon. com, Barnesandnoble. com, or at your local bookstore.

Book 3 of The Elements, Coming December 30, 2008
Book 1 available in bookstores and online, in it's second

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