The Romantic Times has a nice spot about Dawn and her works.
It was a reader asking questions about the status of Dawn's series The Elementals. (Click on the image at left and read the articlce with comments from Kensington editor, Hilary Sares.)
Here is the current information on Dawn's remaining works:

Lord of the Fire was proposed, Dawn outlined it completely from her hospital bed, but it was never full started. Kensington elected to publish the third book in the series, but returned the rights of Lord of the Fire. There are hopes by Dawn's family this book someday may be written for Dawn as an honor to Dawn's hard work right up to the time of her death.

Reprints of Children of the Wind and Odin's Daughter will be done by Highland Press and out in 2009. These were books that Dawn had done in small press, and saw very limited release. Odin's Daughter is currently selling for $500-800 by collectors. Ha
ng on and do not pay that!
They will be reprints by Highland Press under the Legacy Imprint.

There are still remaining books to come:
Ranks of Death - and IRA novel
The Counterfiet Lady - a Regency Romance - from Leisure Books, Sept 2009
Drake's Lair - a Regency Paranormal Romance
Renegade Rider - a Western - from Leisure Books, 2010
Besides the books contracts before Dawn's death, there remains a missing box of typed manuscripts that her sister hopes will turn up as they sort of out Dawn's personal belongings in storage. We will keep you posted on that status of releases as they are firmed up.
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